jeudi 3 juin 2010

Role Playing

Roméo: So I see you’ve done an internship.
Chris: Several, actually. I did one at a local TV station and the others in various production companies.
Roméo: You do realize that we’re a small company. You won’t get much… exposure, dare I say.
Chris: It’s okay, I like small companies better. I like the atmosphere. And it usually means I get more work.
Roméo: Indeed it does. And you’ve worked on the latest editing… things?
Chris: Softwares.
Roméo: Right. I can never read your scrawl. So?
Chris: Yes, I have.
Roméo: Good. Well, I have no further questions. We still have a few candidates to interview and well get back to you very soon.
Chris: Thank you for your time.
Roméo: So, how was I? Told you I could act.
Chris: Yeah, you deserve an Oscar. How did I do?
Roméo: You did good.
Chris: Really? Great! So, you’d give me the job?
Roméo: Nope.
Chris: What?! Why?
Roméo: Remember this morning when you called me a fat lazy arse? I resent that. And I’m not sure your boss would like to be called that either.
Chris: I would never call my boss that.
Roméo: But calling me fat is okay?
Chris: Is that a trick question?
Roméo: See? You’re fired!
Chris: You can’t fire me. You didn’t even hire!
Roméo: Well, you’re hired. Welcome. And you’re fired! Goodbye! You despicable incompetent piece of human scum!
Chris: Don’t let it be said that he can’t get into character.

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